obi 【オビ】 HI(H440mm×W300mm)
obi 【オビ】 HI(H440mm×W300mm)
obi【オビ】 HI(H 440mm×W300mm)
毎年多くの新車が製造・販売されることにより、国内では年間約350万台もの車が廃棄処分されます。 日本の自動車の再資源化率は90%台後半とも言われており、その素晴らしい技術の一方でエアバック・シートベルトは非常に頑丈で特殊な造り故、再利用が難しく手間がかかる。
※ 廃シートベルトを回収して利用している為、個体差があります。
本体素材: 廃シートベルト(polyester100%)
寸法: HI(H 440mm×W300mm)
耐荷重: 100kg (JIS S 1203:1998 7.1 準用)
生産国: japan
製造: 株式会社EST
デザイン: 賀来寿史(木工家)
サポート: ミズグチグッチ(現代工作家)
obi HI (H 440mm x W 300mm)
New value for discarded seat belts.
An assembled STOOL made from discarded car seat belts and 100% plantation-grown Latvian white birch plywood.
With the large number of new cars manufactured and sold each year, approximately 3.5 million cars are disposed of in Japan each year. The recycling rate of Japanese automobiles is said to be in the high 90% range. On the other hand, the airbags and seatbelts are very sturdy and specially constructed, making them difficult and time-consuming to recycle.
Unfortunately, many of them have been discarded.
OBI is a STOOL made by combining 100% plantation-grown Latvian white birch plywood with discarded seat belts, which are particularly difficult to use by themselves.
It has a simple structure that does not use any nails or metal fittings.
Plantation tree ... Planting trees on the land after logging mainly for the purpose of timber production. Proper undercutting, thinning, and other maintenance leads to forest conservation and environmental protection.
White birch plywood ... Three times stronger than ordinary structural plywood, with excellent water resistance.
The name "obi" comes from the link between the three belts and the form of the Chinese character "obi" (belt).
With the cooperation of woodworker Hisashi Garai and contemporary craftsman Gucci Mizuguchi, we have created a wonderful STOOL that fits both interior and outdoor use in a way that was not possible before.
The seatbelt is available in three main colors: black, beige, and white.
Black, beige, and silver.
Because the seat belts are made from recovered waste seat belts, there are individual differences.
Please enjoy them as their own individuality.
Product Specifications
Body material: 100% polyester waste seatbelt
Latvian white birch
Dimensions: HI (H 440mm x W 300mm)
Load capacity: 100 kg (JIS S 1203:1998 7.1 compliant)
Country of origin: Japan
Manufactured by: EST Co.
Design: Hisashi Garai (woodworker)
Support: Mizuguchi Gucci (contemporary craftsman)