rerer airbag - bottle hang
rerer airbag - bottle hang
rerer airbag
bottle hang 水筒やペットボトルを携帯するイメージのBAG。程よい大きさで、ちょっと出かけるのに必要最低限の荷物だけ携帯するのにも便利。
本体bag: black(黒パイピング)、black(白パイピング)、orange、olive、pink、blue、水色、yellow、beige、navy
い。 お選びいただくことができません。
rerer airbag
bottle hang This bag is designed to carry water bottles and PET bottles. It is moderately sized and convenient for carrying the minimum necessary luggage when going out for a short time.
It is also good for festivals.
The bag itself is made of upcycled airbag fabric, and the string part is woven locally in India from cut-and-sewn scraps in combination with PROJECT1000.
The cut-and-sewn fabric is moderately stretchable and soft against the skin, so it won't hurt your neck!
Body bag: black (black piping), black (white piping), orange, olive, engine, pink, blue,
light blue, yellow, beige, navy
Please note that the color of the string part is "assort".
Please note that the color of the string part is "ASSORT".