Honda x rerer obi(オビ)high Hondaスペシャルバージョン
Honda x rerer obi(オビ)high Hondaスペシャルバージョン
Honda車の廃棄部品を素材としたアップサイクルプロジェクトの中から、Honda車純正のシートベルトを活用した組み立て式stool obi (オビ)
Honda車のシートベルトを座面に使用しホワイトバーチ合板を組合せた組み立て式スツールです。 シートベルト特有の強さとしなやかさが座面に最適です。
本体素材: Honda車純正シートベルト(polyester100%) 、ラトビア産ホワイトバーチ
寸法: HI(H 440mm×W300mm)
耐荷重: 100kg (JIS S 1203:1998 7.1 準用)
生産国: japan
製造: 株式会社EST
デザイン: 賀来寿史(木工家)
サポート: ミズグチグッチ(現代工作家)
The upcycling project using discarded parts of Honda vehicles as materials has resulted in an assembled stool obi (obi) that utilizes genuine Honda car seat belts.
Honda car version.
This is an assembled stool using Honda seat belts and white birch plywood for the seat. The strength and flexibility unique to seat belts are ideal for the seat surface.
The wood used is white birch plywood made from 100% Latvian plantation timber, which is also environmentally friendly. The laminated surface and the grain of the wood are beautiful, and we hope that you will develop it into your own unique leg by using it, without painting or other processing.
We will be selling the first quantity of this product on a pre-order basis, although the quantity will be limited.
Product Specifications
Material: Honda genuine seat belt (100% polyester), Latvian white birch
Dimensions: HI (H 440mm x W 300mm)
Load capacity: 100kg (JIS S 1203:1998 7.1 compliant)
Country of origin: Japan
Manufactured by: EST Co.
Design: Hisashi Garai (woodworker)
Support: Mizuguchi Gucci (contemporary craftsman)